We are an enthusiastic and sociable Anglican church community located in the centre of the market town of March, with a focus on traditional Communion worship and blessed with significant musical proficiency.
St Peter's weekly congregations include people of all ages. Our clergy are pleased to visit people in their own homes; please contact us if you know anyone who would appreciate a visit/to receive Home Communion or if you would like us to pray for you or someone you know.
St Peter’s has links with and provides assemblies, visits and RE lessons for Cavalry and Burrowmoor Primary Schools.
St Peter’s congregation supports the team Services marking the Christian year (Ash Wed, Ascension Day, Advent etc) which take place on a team basis using all the churches, sometimes midweek evenings or Sunday evenings. A small team of servers are part of the procession to open and to close services, led by a Crucifer and incense is used occasionally.
Our Family Committee organises a large number of social events, such as barbecues, race nights, concerts and pancake suppers, aiming to bring people together and also raise money for Church funds, including events such as our Annual Christmas Fair, Flower Festival, Plant Sale and Bacon Butty event.
Anyone is welcome to join us for worship at St Peter's!
Every last Sunday at 10am for an hour - family-friendly worship, with crafts, Bible stories and often quite a bit of Lego! Everyone is welcome!
Held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at St Peter's. Everyone is welcome to attend this relaxed and informal scripture study group.
Everyone is welcome to attend these Christian Aid lunches, held in St Peter's Church Hall on the second Wednesday of each month, 12-1pm.
St Peter's popular Knit and Natter group is held in the Church Hall every Tuesday from 10am-12noon. Anyone is welcome, regardless of experience!
Have you thought about joining the Mothers' Union? If so, this group meets in St Peter's Church Hall on the first Tuesday of each month, from 2:30-4pm. Feel free to pop along to any meeting.
This men's group usually meets on the third Wednesday of each month, in St Peter's Church. All ages are welcome - just drop in to any of the sessions or click below for more information.
We welcome both children and adults for baptism at St Peter's, as well as couples for marriage.
Click on any of the following for more information about baptisms and naming ceremonies, confirmation classes, weddings, vow renewal and marriage blessings or funerals.
St Peter’s was the last of three new parish churches built in March in the late 19th century; it was consecrated on 26th January 1881 and is a fine example of a Victorian Church, built of Ancaster stone with Bath stone mouldings. It was designed to hold 700 people, with a chancel, nave, a Priest's vestry, a children’s room, (which now serves as a choir vestry), a tower and a spire with a single bell.
The building itself remains largely unchanged, though improved facilities on site include a community hall, kitchen and toilet facilities, all fully accessible. The north aisle of the church also now serves as a Lady Chapel suitable for smaller services and private prayer.
The buildings are well used for worship, not only by the congregation of St. Peter’s but by other community organisations, and for a range of community activities. The church and hall benefit from a large amount of off-street parking - a real asset given their town centre location.
The community hall, built in 1894, was more recently extended to adjoin the church, and includes a kitchen and accessible toilet facilities.
The hall is well-used for Church activities such as Junior Church, St. Peter’s Mothers’ Union and Christian Aid lunches. It is also a popular venue for private functions and other community activities.
We fully understand that some people will not be in a position to give financially at this time, but if you feel able to support our church, you can donate online quickly and securely by clicking the below button.
Thank you!