St Mary's is a recently rebuilt church with strong links to the community of March, serving people from across the town who value traditional forms of worship.
We are a small but friendly Church located on the busy A141 road to Wisbech, with a basis of traditional Prayer Book worship, Quiet Days, and close-knit, neighbourly fellowship. Our Church community is noted for the way in which people know and care for one another.
St Mary's holds regular Sunday morning services at 9.15am - everyone is welcome to attend.
We also host regular coffee mornings, to raise funds for the church as well as to provide a friendly, safe space for people to meet and chat over a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or slice of cake. To find details of these as well as the other ways in which St Mary's encourages fellowship and community spirit, click here.
Our clergy are pleased to visit people in their own homes; please contact us if you know anyone who would appreciate a visit/to receive Home Communion or if you would like us to pray for you or someone you know.
We welcome both children and adults for baptism at St Mary's, as well as couples for marriage.
Click on any of the following for more information about baptisms and naming ceremonies, confirmation classes, weddings, vow renewal and marriage blessings or funerals.
St. Mary’s was one of three new parish churches built in March, following the division of Doddington Parish in 1856. The parish was formed in 1868 and the church was dedicated in 1873 at a cost of £2,500, with seating for 200 people. The building was built of stone, with chancel, nave, vestry and a western turret with one bell. St. Mary's is unusual having an apse with a south facing altar.
In March 2010, St Mary’s church was destroyed by fire as a result of an arson attack. Fortunately, the building was fully insured and work began immediately to plan for the restoration, whilst worship continued in the neighbouring hall. After four years the church was re-dedicated, on 1st April 2014. The Church has level access, a unisex, accessible toilet and changing area, a small kitchenette, a small side-chapel/meeting room, a digital Makin organ situated on the balcony, projector and screen, with seating for 100, plus choir members. The Church has its own, very well-maintained graveyard, surrounding the building.
Our Church Hall is located within the church grounds and has a large gravelled car park for patron use. It has good access for less-able visitors and can be reached easily via the March bypass. This modernised, double-glazed community space is the perfect venue for small to medium sized celebrations such as birthday parties, meetings, groups, dance classes, children's clubs and much more!
To read more about why we need your support, click here
We fully understand that some people will not be in a position to give financially at this time, but if you feel able to support our church, you can donate online quickly and securely by clicking the below button.
Thank you!
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